

EP 09 Redux

1. Even When I’m Dying (2021)
2. Imprisoned in the Machine (2021)
3. Vengeful Thinking (2021)
4. Devastate (2021)
5. Higher Plane (2021)

Even When I’m Dying (2021)

This pain that I feel, the scar that never heals
Even when I’m dying, you know it overrules
It fills my thoughts and steals my dreams
Even though I’m dying, you know it overrules

The curse I breathe, will never leave
Even when I’m dying, you know it overrules
It haunts my wake, destroys my faith
Even though I’m dying, you know it overrules

Voices whisper dark commands, it’s all I hear
Torrid deeds that forests scream
Destroy my self esteem
Force me to my knees
In complete submission

The curse I breathe, will never leave
Even when I’m dying, you know it overrules
It haunts my wake, destroys my faith
Even though I’m dying, you know it overrules

So beautiful so brutal,
I listen, with raputurous wonder,
I simply have to obey

The curse I breathe, will never leave
Even when I’m dying, you know it overules

With raputurous wonder,
I simply have to obey

The curse I breathe, will never leave
Even when I’m dying, you know it overules
It haunts my wake, destroys my faith
Even though I’m dying, you know it overules

Twisted dreams, tortured scenes
Cannot kill me, by themselves
But at dawn when confusion reigns
In that moment I’m not so sure
Not safe in my bed nor am I in my head
Open to attack, so vulnerable, I am alone

The curse I breathe, will never leave
Even when I’m dying, you know it overules
It haunts my wake, destroys my faith
Even though I’m dying, you know it overrules

Imprisoned in the Machine (2021)

You’re lost
You’re lost in a maelstrom of ,
Of fear
Of uncertainty and doubt
They rule your life
Force-feed your mind

Begging, for a release, from bondage, from servitude
This machine that binds us, is intelligent, is devious
Circuitry unknown I cannot, find a way to rescue you
I fear you’ve, got yourself deeper down,
than anyone’s, been before .
Program a virus, to destroy the core
And I think there’ll be a chance
but until you, risk martyrdom
We’re imprisoned in the machine

Darkness, washes over us, I fear, our deletion
Death, be it swift is welcome,
Unless we prevail in this cyber realm

Begging, for a release, from bondage, from servitude
This machine that binds us, is intelligent, is devious
Circuitry unknown I cannot, find a way to rescue you
I fear you’ve, got yourself deeper down,
than anyone’s, been before .
Program a virus, to destroy the core
And I think there’ll be a chance
but until you, risk martyrdom
We’re imprisoned in the machine

Write the code, upload the program,
This will fry the circuits in your brain
Did we kill the core did we escape the machine
Did we destroy?

Begging, for a release, from bondage, from servitude
This machine that binds us, is intelligent, is devious
Circuitry unknown I cannot, find a way to rescue you
I fear you’ve, got yourself deeper down,
than anyone’s, been before .
Program a virus, to destroy the core
And I think there’ll be a chance
but until you, risk martyrdom
We’re imprisoned in the machine

Vengeful Thinking (2021)

You took your shot, you fuck you lost
Dont you think I’m gonna waste a breath
Or spare your mind
I’ll make you scream, I’ll make you beg
I’ll rip out every shred of decency
You ever had
I’ll make you scream, I’ll make you beg
I’ll rip out every shred of decency
You ever had
You took your shot, you fuck you lost
Dont you think I’m gonna waste a breath
Or spare your mind

Why did you lie to me ?
Why did you betray me?
Was I not enough ?
Was I too much, for you to handle?

Make no mistake, your life is fake
And I will tell you how you should of made your choice
Make no mistake, your life is fake
And I will show you how you should of made your choice
You piece of shit, you worthless fuck
Hear me when I tell you that there is no second chance
You piece of shit, you worthless fuck
Hear me when I tell you that there is
no second chance

Why did you lie to me ?
Why did you betray me?
Was I not enough ?
Was I too much, for you to handle?

My will is strong, my will be done
I will rain down flame, and fire on your treason
You cant escape, I’ve got you caught
This prison is a hell from which there is no release
You cant escape, I’ve got you caught
This prison is a hell from which there is no release
My will is strong, my will be done
I will rain down flame, and fire on your treason

Why did you lie to me ?
Why did you betray me?
Was I not enough ?
Was I too much, for you to handle?

Devastate (2021)

Your eyes so, inviting
Your flesh so, exciting
You make me so breathless ,
you intoxicate me
You make me so restless ,
you infatuate me
You make me so sleepless ,
you mesmerize me
You make me so frantic
You devastate me

So inviting
So exciting
So breathless
So restless
So intoxicating
So infatuating

So inviting
So exciting
You intoxicate
You devastate me

Your eyes so, inviting
Your flesh so, exciting
You make me so breathless ,
you intoxicate me
You make me so restless ,
you infatuate me
You make me so sleepless ,
you mesmerize me
You make me so frantic
You devastate me

So intoxicating
So infatuating
You mesmerise me
You devastate me

Higher Plane (2021)

My disease, your control
Punishing, our worthless soul s
Destroying me, destroying you
This how we’re gonna take it
You’re so fucking sick
And you’re nothing, and I’m nothing
We’re just blackened voids encircling each other

Those dark, deviant thoughts
Are not far from our own
But our response, to stand and fight
The flood, the tide of hate
Is our reckoning
It’s our salvation

Full of sin, decayed within
Rotting through, to the core
We sicken you, you sicken us
This how we’re gonna take it
You’re so fucking sick
And you’re nothing, And I’m nothing
Simply blackened voids, encircling each other

Those dark, deviant thoughts
Are not far from our own
But our response, to stand and fight
The flood, the tide of hate
Is our reckoning
It’s our salvation

It’s to fight
It’s time to stand
It’s time for us
To reach the higher plane


1. Fear
2. Pray
3. Poison
4. Falling Apart


Are you looking at me?
Drowning in the paranoia
How can you even breathe?
What’s he gonna do next?

Look inside your mind
The face you hide to the world
Is the way to failure
How the weak will die

The curse of the mind
The death of the free
Is the way to failure
How the weak will die

Look inside your mind
Drowning in the paranoia
Is the way to failure
How the weak will die


Will you kneel before me now?
Will you bare yourself to me?
Will you beg for all I have?
Will you obey my commands?

Are you the night or the day?
Are you ready to play?
Are you the right or the wrong?
Are you the weak or the strong?

Pray to yourself
Not to me

Your name like fire on my lips
So delicious I can’t resist
You give me the power and dominion
Slide down for our communion


Eyes red and streaming,
skull aching with the pressure
Stop, pour another measure
Drain and repeat, your empty glass screaming
Drink to forget the feeling
Each shot drop another pill
Drink until you start to spill
Laying in the water, naked, motionless and bleeding

She’ll take your heart, your love, your light
She’ll rape your might, your strength your fight
She’ll leave you ravaged, defiled, broken
Till nothing is left and you’re bottom of the pile
Your voice, your thoughts, your everything
Sodomized, wasted and withering
Blackened, burnt and devoid of anything
She’s the poison running through your veins

You’ve been there such a long time
Demons spreading in the room with the dark
So black you can barely see the cut mark
Down the road you can hear the bells chime
The sound of doom, cometh the end
And a slow smile starts to spread
Like a sunrise on a face long dead
Pull the plug, all fear transcend

She’ll take your heart, your love, your light
She’ll rape your might, your strength your fight
She’ll leave you ravaged, defiled, broken
Till nothing is left and you’re bottom of the pile
Your voice, your thoughts, your everything
Sodomized, wasted and withering
Blackened, burnt and devoid of anything
She’s the poison running through your veins

See this through, you fuckwit coward
Don’t be chained to a world that forgot
There’s nothing left for you here
They don’t care
You are nought
You’ve been taught
Cross your heart and hope to die
Step into the void lets fly

Falling Apart

There’s a certain feeling, you get when you’re leaving
like a sickness that’s rising,
A mixture of grief and elation, guilt and amazement, fear and awareness.
What the fuck am I’m doing?

She’s looking like hell, she’s looking so well
And I don’t how to say what I want to say .
Every second that ticks, is like a bullet that sticks
In my head and my body
Time is killing me now and it’s only getting worse
with all the lies and the half-truths,
clogging up my world view
I’m falling apart in front of you
How the hell do I rescue the situation
When everything I say makes her back further away?

I’m broken I’m fading
My life is abating
I’m twisted and torn
by decisions I’m making
October eyes glowing
You’re cold, yet I’m yearning
I’ll let you in, then I will shut you out

I’m broken I’m fading
My life is abating
I’m twisted and torn
by decisions I’m making
October eyes glowing
You’re cold, yet I’m yearning
I’ll let you in, then I’ will shut you out

I’ve rarely seen her eyes,
They’re normally disguised
And how I want to see what they have seen
Understand all we could’ve been

and I’m hating myself and all my feelings,
the shit I do when I’m fearing
Avoiding regret but still ending up headfirst in lament
What a sight it must be, self destruction, at it’s best or its worst
Fuck it all, time for another gin
Think what you want about me
I’m sure I’ve already been there and deserved it
You see I know I’m disgusting,
I know I’m a failure
I know
I know

I’m broken I’m fading
My life is abating
I’m twisted and torn
by decisions I’m making
October eyes glowing
You’re cold, yet I’m yearning
I’ll let you in, then I’ll shut you out
I don’t care!
What am I doing
You’re perfect, I’m naked
I hate you, I love you
I want you, I crave you
Two faces I’m faking
Too much I can’t take it
Just let me die slowly
I deserve all that pain


I was born under thunderous skies
With a desperate will to die
Hopeless and tragic
A pointless victim of life
An eruption of misery
Raging storms of agony
Convulsive fits of rage
Drowning into sorrow

Broken mind, bleeding from within
I take a final stand against him
He’s tearing me limb from limb
Claws digging straight into my skin
That Black Form will always win

I will die under glorious skies
Free from the grasp of shame
Hunted no more
With a freedom to endure
The everlasting darkness


Hope Lies Torn cover1. Not In My Name
2. Looking For A Fight
3. Anti Me
5. Replacer
6. Spirit Hack
7. Shall I Come
8. I’m You
9. I Am Your Voice
10. All Because of You
11. Wrecked

Looking For A Fight

Hey you dirty motherfuckers laughing at me
Who do you think you are?
Your impotent rage and jealousy fuels me like
a hit of NOS to the core
Burning faster, burning brighter I’m fucking nuclear
Like a weapon like a missile, I’m flying in the face of your hate

Hey you dirty motherfuckers looking at me
What do you think you know?
Facing life with a terrible grin I look at you like
a fuckin sin
Judgemental, hypocritical sons of whores you cannot hope to win
I’m huge, I’m mighty, I’m better than I, have, ever, been

Anti Me

I am the enemy
Of myself
I am the very worst
I am the anti me

I scream
I pray
I beg
I lose

Witness this tragedy
I am a lost soul
I have nothing left to give
I will punish you
I will ravish you
I am everything you cannot be


I have nothing left
I am a broken man
I am the enemy
I am the anti me

I scream
I pray
I beg
I lose
You’ll see
You’ll feel
You’ll suffer
I’m real

Witness this tragedy
I am a lost soul
I have nothing left to give
I will punish you
I will ravish you
I am everything you cannot be


I scream
I pray
I beg
I lose
You’ll see
You’ll feel
You’ll suffer
I’m real

Witness this tragedy
I am a lost soul
I have nothing left to give
I will punish you
I will ravish you
I am everything you cannot be


Take a look at my face, fuckin PIG
You’re supposed to be my servant
Cheating your way to the top of the party
Governance is second to your greed and ego

Hope for change but it never comes
You’re one and the same CUNT
Labour Tory Liberal lines are blurred
to the point that you’re indivisible

You’re the ones we pin our hopes on
To save our country from destruction
But the poor get poorer, the rich get richer
and nothing ever changes!


You brought me to my knees, as low I’ll go
Controlled my life as if I was a slave
Face me now as I raise my baseline
You’re never gonna take me for a fool again

You’re nothing (and empty)
You’re broken (and filthy)
You’re a waste (completely)

Remove, the fake,
The poison in your life
Accept, no less
Than what you know you need
Arise, and be
All that you can ever be
You are complete

I’ve seen the light and I know you are dirt
I’ll not be accepting your scorn and disdain
Bigger better, harder, stronger and faster
You’re never gonna take me for a fool again

Take this as a lesson, free of charge
You must be better every single day
Accept no less and give no quarter
Don’t ever be taken for a fool again

Spirit Hack





Shall I Come

Shall I come, sweet love! to thee, 
    When the evening beams are set?
Shall I not excluded be? 
    Will you find no feigned let?
Let me not, for pity, more, 
        Tell the long hours at your door!

Who can tell what thief or foe, 
    In the covert of the night,
For his prey, will work my woe; 
    Or through wicked, foul despite.
So may I die unredrest, 
        Ere my long love be possest.

But to let such dangers pass, 
    Which a lover’s thoughts disdain:
‘Tis enough in such a place, 
    To attend love’s joy’s in vain.
Do not mock me in thy bed! 
        While these cold nights freeze me dead
T.Campion C. 1613

I’m You

There was a time, when I could say exactly how I felt
I could scribble prose for hours and hey, it was real
But after internalising for so long,
I just can’t seem to express myself

Haunted by my past, a future once so bright
One day, at time, self destruction held at bay
Longing for that chance, hoping to break through
Knowing my resolve is the only thing thats true

It may look, like I’ve got it made, successful
But I’m only ever half a step away from ending it all
Destroy everything, burn my entire world

Don’t look at me with such a mix of pity and disgust
I’m not the man you thought and never was
Fuck your systems, your pigeonholes and normality
I’m me, Im fucked, I’m you

I Am Your Voice

I am the voice of hate
I am the sound you make
I am the risks you take
I am the smile you fake

You are the what makes me blind
You are the pain inside
You are the fear I hide
You are the life denied


You fight me every day
You win in every way
You tell me what to say
You’ll never go away

I hate your instant charm
I know I’ll come to harm
I cry out in alarm
But you are my voice

Who are you now?
What can you do?
Are you finally real?
Is it me or is it you?

Shake off the chains
Lets live again
Be as real as you can
Be the voice, be the man

All Because of You

Broken by a thought
Carried by the wind
Floating on a sea of suffering
Abandoned by hope
Destroyed by love
Reckon I have little time left

Flattened by the fallout
Aimless, listlessly
Wandering a desert of eternity
I’ve tried and failed
to relieve the depression
And regain a life

Love I though was ours
Love I thought was pure
Twisted like a thorn
All beauty erased

Time has no meaning here
Whatever the well meaning say
A second lasts a lifetime
And I have zero seconds left

An internal carnage
Hidden from view
I suffered like a fool
All because of you

All because of you

Broken by a thought
Carried by the wind
Floating on a sea of suffering
Abandoned by hope
Destroyed by love
I know I have little time left

Terror leaves my heart
Finally finding peace
Alone with my thoughts
A candle-lit dream
Met with decay
A beautiful wraith
Takes me by the hand
And leads me astray


Hope lies torn
ripped to pieces by forces unknown
sat lower than hell, held by the weight
of a world blackened and burnt

Once born a free man,
no shackles and the world awaiting
but all to soon, sunken beneath waves
and you see his face, every single day
pained and afraid of you
afraid of everyone

Dreams are unaffordable, everything unattainable
There’s no explanation, no easy way out
And still he’s ridiculed and spat upon

He’s nothing more, or less
Than you or I,
Your friend or mine
Til death
She’s everything we’re not
And all we could ever be
They broke our hearts
and now we’re wrecked

Who is this before me,
But a figure in black
A single lantern lighting the way
Through shrouded mists in time
We may see the answer.
Until then let me just say I know

A skeleton crew, aboard his ship
A once proud captain sets sail
His vessel rotting around him
Still he helms the craft as of old

With a blood red tide,
He cuts a lonely figure on the wave
Warrior, prince, lover, killer
He knows the final voyage
He has no need of charts
The course set to the west
All around sea mirrors sky
And a strange kind of twilight
Spreads it’s inky fingers across the ship
The gentle creak of wood and
a tiny splash of waves are the only sounds
As the captain steers with a wizened hand
Darkness descends and with a last glimpse to shore
He see the single lantern glowing in his lover’s hand
Comforted by her presence he knows no fear
As the ship slips slowly beneath the waves


Last Shadow Cover

1. Last Shadow
2. Demons We Are
3. At Your Command
4. At Your Command (Dirty K Remix)
5. At Your Command (Remix by Cease2Xist)
6. Demons We Are (Digicore Remix)
7. Demons We Are (Goteki Remix)
8. Last Shadow (Morning Wood Mix by Haru Yasumi)

Last Shadow

If you go creeping around in the forest in the dead of night
Beware of the monsters, lurking, just out of sight
They are the last, shadows you’ll ever see in your life
They’ll ambush your soul
And burn your body in pyres bright

I see you’re jumping at shadows
They’ll smell your fear for miles & miles
They’ll see, straight through your bravado
Just another glorious day in the corps!

If you go creeping around in the forest in the dead of night
Beware of the monsters, lurking, just out of sight
They are the last, shadows you’ll ever see in your life
They’ll ambush your soul
And burn your body in pyres bright

They’ve surrounded our camp & countered our ambush
Last two alive, this is our final stand
They see, straight through your bravado
They turn your fear into a weapon

If you go creeping around in the forest in the dead of night
Beware of the monsters, lurking, just out of sight
They are the last, shadows you’ll ever see in your life
They’ll ambush your soul
And burn your body in pyres bright

Demons We Are

I’m cursing the day that we let you inside
Never before have I felt such abuse
I, take offence to the notion that I’m
Somehow to blame
Violence and terror, you’re a virus,
Consuming, destroying, everything
Hiding behind, human shields
Behind your mask of honour

Demons, we are
And we’re the stuff of nightmares
You will never, believe
How swift our retribution can be
You, you devils in disguises
Now we are standing tall
Demons, demons, demons, demons
Demons we are
Demons, we are
And we’re the stuff of nightmares
You will never, believe
How swift our retribution can be
You, you devils in disguises
Now we are standing tall
Demons, demons, demons, demons
Demons we are

You’re all, plastic shamen
Dispensing fake wisdom, from your pulpits
You dare to question, my convictions
With a child’s, dick in your mouth
Hypocrisy, knows no bounds
In the world you inhabit
You think you’re safe in your towers
But we’re, coming for you

Demons, we are
And we’re the stuff of nightmares
You will never, believe
How swift our retribution can be
You, you devils in disguises
Now we are standing tall
Demons, demons, demons, demons
Demons we are
Demons, we are
And we’re the stuff of nightmares
You will never, believe
How swift our retribution can be
You, you devils in disguises
Now we are standing tall
Demons, demons, demons, demons
Demons we are

The fear and horror, you have spread
The lies and terror, the blood you’ve shed
All in the name of, your fake god
How can you feel no shame?
You’ll never, get to heaven
You’re not, the chosen ones
We’ve taken your power
And we’ll destroy you

Demons, we are
And we’re the stuff of nightmares
You will never, believe
How swift our retribution can be
You, you devils in disguises
Now we are standing tall
Demons, demons, demons, demons
Demons we are
Demons, we are
And we’re the stuff of nightmares
You will never, believe
How swift our retribution can be
You, you devils in disguises
Now we are standing tall
Demons, demons, demons, demons
Demons we fucking are

Demons, we are
And we’re the stuff of nightmares
You will never, believe
How swift our retribution can be
You, you devils in disguises
Now we are standing tall
Demons, demons, demons, demons
Demons we are
Demons, we are
And we’re the stuff of nightmares
You will never, believe
How swift our retribution can be
You, you devils in disguises
Now we are standing tall
Demons, demons, demons, demons
Demons we are

At Your Command

Hey hey hey
What you fighting for?
Don’t you think enough bloods been shed?
The time is now, to realise
That war for oil
Is a pastime of a fool

Hey hey hey
All you hypocrites
You think you’re fighting terror
But you’re part of the money machine
And the wheels
They keep turning & turning
& churning & burning

At your command
They slash and burn
At your command
They’ll never learn

Hey hey hey
Now let me hear you say
You’ve got empathy and tolerance
For our friends of different creeds
For our friends of different colour
Not everyone, wages war of terror

At your command
They slash and burn
At your command
They’ll never learn