Our brand new single CHAOS IN THE EYES OF GOD is released today 28th July through Armalyte Industries!
Available HERE on Bandcamp and on digital streaming services. Lets go!

New single 28th July
It gives me great pleasure to announce my first new music in a number of years!
28th July – Chaos in the Eyes of God
A new single from Paresis
Featuring a remix from the mighty Demonwarp
Released via Armalyte Industries on all digital platforms

EP09 Redux Released!
I’m delighted to say that my latest record is now available for download on Bandcamp and streaming worldwide!

EP09 REDUX is a rewritten, reworked, reimagined version of the very first self released Paresis record. An idea born to celebrate 10 years of the band.
1.Even When I’m Dying (2021) 05:05
2.Imprisoned in the Machine (2021) 05:51
3.Vengeful Thinking (2021) 04:22
4.Devastate (2021) 04:34
5.Higher Plane (2021) 05:23
Comparing old and new, some of the tracks have stayed faithful to structure and tone, others feel drastically different. But then I also believe songs represent a moment in time and they’d be different again if I tried this experiment afresh.
So please, check it out grab a download and enjoy!
Stay safe, love you all
Si x
New Record Alert
Well, an old record really. My first ever (self) release EP09 is currently being re-recorded/re-imagined/re-mashed/re-abused.
2019 – #10yearchallenge EP19 is coming!

Hey you,
I’m really proud to announce that you can now get hold of my new EP in CD or download format worldwide! Thanks so much for checking it out.
Check out the reveal here:
And purchase here:
I’m so excited to announce my new EP… THAT.BLACK.FORM!
Release date is imminent and preorder information will go up soon. This one is dark…..very dark… \m/
Once again I’m working with the best label on the planet, Armalyte Industries and the ever awesome Jules Seifert at Epic Audio Media mastered this record.
2. Pray
3. Poison
4. Falling Apart
Important News – Gear stolen in Manchester
Hi everyone,
I have some unfortunate news to report.
After a triumphant show in Manchester with Paresis and Cease2Xist, the weekend has been marred by some utter cunt smashing my car window and making off with some gear belonging to myself and Rich from C2X.
Greater Manchester Police are currently investigating but we’d really appreciate any help you can give.
We were parked on Sidney Street (off Oxford Road), opposite the Manchester Islamic Centre, round the corner from the Pub/Zoo where ATF-2015 was held.
The theft occurred sometime between 11.30am and 2.30pm on Sunday 14th June
My car is a 5 door, black, Seat Ibiza. The rear passenger side window was smashed and the following items taken:
Black ‘Odyssey’ padded laptop/messenger style bag with grey interior, front pocket zip broken
– containing:
Apple MacBook Pro 13″, in a black plastic shell. The DVD drive has been replaced with a second 500GB hybrid hdd.
Apple MagSafe charger
Toshiba 500gb external USB hard drive
Akai APC40 midi controller – scratched logo, ‘Stop All Clips’ button slightly coloured with red ink, Paresis sticker.
Black backpack with red interior lining
– containing:
Macbook Pro (WQ016HV8ATM serial number)
Has a black case and is dented by the Ethernet port and firewire. Various stickers on the chassis including a Paresis one.
NI Maschine Mikro white, with white USB cable, boxed. with software CDs.
(Also various clothing and personal items which probably won’t be passed on)
If you are offered, see for sale in secondhand shops or online, any of the above items please get in touch with me or Greater Manchester Police on 101 quoting CRIME NUMBER – 103169Q/15
Also if anyone was in the area and remembers seeing/hearing anything suspicious, anyone carrying a couple of bags matching the descriptions above or hearing a car alarm etc, likewise please get in touch.
Thank You.
Hope Lies Torn Commentary
So I posted a brief commentary on each track from the album on facebook recently. Here they are together:
Not In My Name
Should be a fairly obvious title. A pro peace statement.
The track serves as an intro as well as disturbing, relentless build up. The repetitive elements and gradual introduction of different parts is symbolic of humankind’s relentless pursuit of conflict.
Over the top is laid an actual recording of helicopter pilots under attack during the Vietnam war. For added realism.
Pro peace, not anti war. Not In My Name.
Looking For a Fight
In complete opposition to the the pro peace, slow, repetitive intro, this track is an all out ‘come n ave a go if ya think ya ard enuf’ outpouring of aggression.
‘Sometimes you gotta fight when you’re a man’ said Kenny Rogers. Well here you go.
When you’re facing some prick and they won’t give it up, sometimes you gotta go to war and what’s better than a ravey soundtrack with Aliens and Zulu samples?
Stick it in your earbuds when the local bullies square up to you, stomp around the club and flip off the elitist idiots or sit behind your keyboard plotting your troll revenge.
Anti Me
This track sums up a lot of the themes of HLT. It explores duality. Being your own worst enemy and not having a choice in the matter. It’s very much in the Paresis style. Harsh electronics with sparing blackened guitar \m/
This is my noisy political rage track. I wanted something electronic, fast but not your typical modern ‘industrial’ dance tune. There’s not really any melody or a lead line to speak of. It’s rhythmic with lots of different parts poking their noses in, trying to get a piece of the action. Much like Westminster. Why can’t Westminster be independent? Fuck those guys. They’re all the same. I have 0 respect and 0 hope.
PIGS. It’s also one of my very favourites from this release
This is intended as an update, a 1.1, to the sounds of Paresis, forged in the Last Shadow EP.
Uplifting, anthemic, savage, uncompromising.
Replacer is about not taking shit from anyone. Even your closest loves.
Removing that negativity, shaking off the chains held by those that would hold you down. Replacing them with something better, that you absolutely deserve.
Everyone has the opportunity to make their life better, it often takes more courage than we think we have, but you can fake it ’til you make it. I have.
Replacer is supposed to invoke a forward driving, almost ritualistic desire to better oneself.
Released as a free single in February 2014 this is the anchor and possibly the highest point of the album. It’s all doom from here.
Spirit Hack
This started as an experience with Psy-trance. Or Si-trance as I prefer.
It quickly developed into a dystopian Terminator/The Matrix/Tron inspired vision. A hybrid intelligence is placed into a military defence system, designed to defend its creators during the darkest days of war between societies. So typical cyberpunk, ‘industrial’ subject matter I guess but you have to visit that side every now and then!
At first it may seem out of place on this album, but such is the schizophrenic nature of HLT. The doom themes snake their way through this track as much as any.
Shall I Come
The lyrics for this track are actually taken from Thomas Campion’s 1631 Book of Ayres.
So a bit old and quite naughty too when you read them!
I’d made this track, a real mashup of harsh electronics, with a slice of guitar and a sample from one of my favourite Audrey Hepburn films. I’ll leave you to guess which. I was reading some sonnets, trying to get inspiration for a different style of lyric. I knew I didn’t want any typical industrial shite.
Suddenly I came across ‘Shall I Come, Sweet Love To Thee’ by the aforementioned Thomas C. That was that then. A sort of cover. Nothing else needed! Love it.
I’m You
Every element/sound in this track was chosen and represents a feeling or a thought to do with the lyrical subject matter. It’s all about being trapped inside yourself, your feelings immaterial to others and just getting plain angry at the repetitive hopeless nature of everyday existence.
The track isn’t exactly light but isn’t as heavy as others on HLT. It’s still a driving, pounding tune that builds throughout to a rage crescendo.
Your Voice
Continuing the themes of duality and confusion, the vocals are twisted back and forth in a call and response. Is it the same person? Is it the same voice? My voice? Your voice?
That malevolence and attempt to drag yourself out of the darkness is all pervading. Hope?
Musically it’s almost synth pop, albeit with some judicious guitar, straight from some reverb drenched post metal epic! And why not. It all adds to the atmosphere which was a key focus when writing this album
All Because of You.
This is the real black sheep of the family. No super aggressive guitar, just clean(ish) melody. No soaring synth lead. Slow paced and super depressive lyrically. Not your typical EBM then. Fuck that.
This is the first track I tried clean vocals on too, instead of my usual growl/scream combo which is fun. I think it works. Hopefully this song unsettles you somewhat and please take it as a song. There’s no DJ friendly club mix or whatever, this is honest and true songwriting.
Possibly my favourite. This is industrial doom metal. Heavy churning guitars, gated trance synths, blackened vocals and a hell of a different attitude.
I really wanted to go to town with this, highly focussed on getting it exactly right and to hell with what anyone thinks.
This is personal lyrically and the hybrid ‘genre’ for want of a better word is so much of what I want bands I listen to, to be.
I hope you give this a chance, you might find something in the words, or just go with the music. Turn it up, grab a beverage and drink, drink in the audio and the atmosphere. Let’s get WRECKED.
Hope Lies Torn gaining great reviews!
Hope Lies Torn, my debut album has been out for just over a week and already reviewers are loving it!
Check out these kind words:
Soundsphere Magazine:
“This album is awesome. It’s disjointed, fast-paced, and did we mention, blacker than night? Not the night out-y kind of night either, with those incessant, multitudinous club colours distracting you from your impending doom, and a hundred streetlights paving the way home. Oh no. This is a pitch-black maze. You can’t find your way home, and every face you see is an unfriendly, wretched contortion that wants you dead.”
Backseat Mafia
“Norway’s Mortiis and hard dance legends LAB 4 aren’t exactly two artists you’d expect to see mentioned in the same context but both come to mind listening to Hope Lies Torn. While it’s definitely the former more than the latter it’s a testament to Fuller’s talent and scant regard to musical boundaries that Paresis evokes such diverse artists which also include early NIN, :Wumpscut: and Manufactura. Paresis has its own sound and identity though one that takes elements from various genres with discordant guitars alongside atmospheric synth layers, pulsating rhythms, samples, distorted vocals and more besides all shot through with an ominous sense of foreboding and darkness.”
Brutal Resonance
“And, completely blowing my mind and surprising me at the end of the album was a touch I was not prepared for. Dumbfounded by that last act of both will and love, the rest of the album was boosted up immensely just by that. Bringing in all sorts of influences and genres to this playground, Fuller has shown that he can compete with the biggest names of the scene, and I have a feeling that this man will go further and further with each sequential release.”
New Show Confirmed: Breed 77, Peterboro’ 23/11/14
Paresis has been added as support to the Breed 77 show at the Met Lounge, Peterborough with Protafield and Anti-Clone! Send us a message via the ‘Contact/Booking’ link at the top of the page to get cheap advance tickets!