Cortex Defect Remix
UK EBMers Cortex Defect have had their lovely music Paresisified… Download their new FREE EP ‘Scenekiller’ NOW!
Check out Fortify (Paresis Remix) here:
Remixing the metal
Paresis remixes The Infernal Sea!
Good friends, death/black metallers The Infernal Sea broached the idea a while back of seeing what I could do with one of their tracks…
Well they sent over ‘A Prayer for Cleansing’ from their fantastic debut album Call of the Augur and you can get hold of the Paresis remix exclusively on The Infernal Sea’s Bandcamp page:
This is the end…….of the year
Hey folks!
Seasonal greetings to you all, wherever, whoever and whatever you are and believe in 🙂 I thought I’d better get an end of year review type bloggy note in now, just in case we don’t wake up on the 21st! Haha! (bollocks)
There’s been ups and downs, gigs and releases, kind words and not so kind but on the whole a most wonderful, entertaining, fruitful and lucky year!
The major highlight has to be the release of Last Shadow in the latter stages of the 2012, with lots of lovely things said about it by you guys and not a bad review from the media…yet…Haha! This CD was well over a year in the making and at times seemed like it would never happen but with the sterling efforts of mixing/production guru Adam Thompson, Grand Masterer Jules Seifert, the artful remixer Patrick Dougan, the remixers Dayve (Cease2Xist), Ryan & Kaysha (Dirty K), Ross (Goteki), Dan (Digicore), Haru Yasumi (plus those involved with the companion EP Lost Shadows) and the inimitable GileZ (and all at Armalyte Industries) it all came together 🙂
I’m proud of it, my first fully fledged CD and ‘proper’ EP release. It was meant as a statement of intent, something that was wholly mine, not a scene clone, a gamer changer or arty twatting about. Just the music and influences I like, the words that are inside and remixes from people I’m proud to call friends and musical influences.
Gigs this year have varied from independent festivals and major support slots to smaller more intimate affairs both local and afar. I think my live show has developed a little and while some may think I *need* a band backing me I still don’t think so. Perhaps one day I’ll give it a go 😉
Thank you all so much for coming out to the shows, grabbing shirts and CDs and raving like loonies to the What is Love cover! Haha. Thank you also to the promoters and their various crew members around the country for being awesome and giving a fella a chance. As well as all the other bands at each end of every bill I’ve played with. I’ve made a ton of new friends this year and discovered some new acts (to me at least) that are going places.
What happens in the future you may wonder? Well me too! But here’s the plan… I’m working on new material that is both different to Last Shadow but decidedly PARESIS, currently I have 3 tracks at near enough demo stage to go towards an album. I’m desperate to avoid this full length being merely a collection of tracks and releasing a zillion singles. Although neither is it a concept album 😉 We’ll have to see where it goes, but tracks from Last Shadow will NOT be appearing on it.
Gig wise, I have a show in E. London booked for Feb 13th so hopefully I’ll see you down there for fun times ( Keep your eyes out for new shows too 🙂 I’ve got a few ideas to make the Paresis live experience more engaging and exciting which I’ll be trying out and hopefully won’t prove to be folly 😉
So I guess all that’s left to say is that I wish each and everyone of you a peaceful and happy festive time and a brilliant 2013. Thank you all for making this year so special for me and see you next year 😀 \m/
ps I was going to write a looong list of people that deserve lots of thanks and love but realised I’d be here forever and would certainly miss folk out. So I’ll just say that if you know me personally, know Paresis or have had anything to do with anything related, your efforts and support is definitely appreciated! More than you’ll probably realise. x
Free Remix!
Here’s another remix by the inimitable Haru Yasumi, it’s free to download. Have a nice day 🙂
New Live Videos
So I’ve got a couple of new live videos to share with you 😉
Demons We Are Live at Legends – Newcastle 2012
Cover of Haddaway’s What is Love feat. The .invalid
Live at Legends – Newcastle 2012
Watch and Subscribe!
Zillo Magazine Reviews Last Shadow
From Zillo Magazine, Nov 2012:
“Last Shadow”
(Armalyte Industries)
Hinter Paresis verbirgt sich der Brite Simon Fuller, der hier sein offizielles Label-Debüt in Form einer EP mit drei Songs sowie fünf (digital) bezie- hungsweise sechs (CD-Version) von unterschiedlichen Bands angefertigten Remixen vorlegt. Als Einflüsse nennt der Klangjongleur Bands wie Suicide Com- mando, Gary Numan, VNV Nation, My Dying Bride, Rotting Christ. Die völlig auseinandergehenden Stile jener For- mationen packt Fuller in den Mixer, schüttelt kräftig und lässt der toxischen Melange freien Lauf. Heraus kommt – entgegen der Annahme, dass hier nichts zusammenpasst – eine erstaunlich gut funktionierende und aufeinander abge- stimmte Klanginjektion. Electro küsst Industrial küsst Gothic küsst Metal, und zwar mit ordentlich Karacho. Denn die drei Tracks “Last Shadow”, “Demons We Are” und “At Your Command” kra- chen mit tanzbarer Härte, messerschar- fen Synthsounds und wuchtigen Riffs durchs Gebälk, untermalt von passend verzerrten Vocals. Die Remixe von u. a. Goteki, Digicore und Cease2Xist ste- hen dem in nichts nach und ersetzen auf jeweils dem Bandstil angepasste Weise den Kaffee am Morgen. Nun ja, nicht ganz, aber ein cool kickender Wachma- cher ist diese EP dennoch.
And a translation 😉
“Last Shadow”
(Armalyte Industries)
Behind Paresis, hides the british Simon Fuller, who presents his official Label debut in form of an EP with 3 songs and 5 digi- remixes of various different bands. The sound juggler describes his influences inclusive Bands like Suicide Commando, Gary Numan, VNV Nation, My Dying Bride and Rotting Christ.
Fuller throws his totally divergent styles of his formations into the mixer, shakes them vigorously and lets them loose with his toxic blends.The outcome, contrary to the assumption that nothing of such will go together, is a remarkably, well functioning and perfect matched sound injection. Electro kisses Industrial kisses Gothic kisses Metal , complete with a bang!
The last 3 tracks ” Last shadow “, ” Demons we are ” and ” At your command ” come with, hard danceble, razor sharp synth sounds and massive riffs, accompanied by suitable distorted vocals. The remixes of Goteki, Digicore and Cease2xist, show nothing in comparison of the respective bands style, but coffee in the morning. Well, not quite,but this EP is certainly a wake up call with a kick.
Thanks Zillo!
Shop stock updated
T-shirts have arrived at last! So Men’s Mediums are back in stock as well as XXL for the first time 🙂
Bundles with a Last Shadow CD or download are available at cheeky prices 🙂